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Clint May
How to Cast Your Vision to the Leadership in Your Church
My pastor asked me to come to his office one afternoon. He said, "Clint, I support you and your ministry. BUT! I need to know what you...

Clint May
Why My Midweek Program Is the Most Important Day of My Week
We were asked one day at our staff meeting what day of the week was the most important to our ministry. When I said Wednesday evenings,...

Clint May
Children’s Ministry Would Be Great if You Didn't Have to Work with Adults
I was at lunch with one of our worship pastors from my church, and he said, "Ministry would be great if you didn't have to work with...

Clint May
Tradition Versus The Next Generation “The writing is on the wall; do you not see it?”
“We have never done it this way before!” After 25 years of serving on church staff and 35 years working with kids, I believe I have heard...

Clint May
It Was as If a Veil Had Been Removed From My Eyes.
My greatest joy throughout the past 33 years has been working with children in the local church. I have loved seeing their lives...

Clint May
L.I.T. Fire-Partner vlog-Russ Zacek
Hello Friends, The new adventure has begun. God is going ahead of me in my daily path. I am placing myself in His care and presence and...

Clint May
We Have an Adult Problem, Not a Kid Problem
Children are the Church today—believing children, that is. You might ask why I consistently say this. The reason is the work of the Holy...

Clint May
Are You an Activities Coordinator or a Children’s Pastor?
Summers were crazy for me with Vacation Bible School, camp, and summer activities. I had it in my mind that I had to provide a safe...

Clint May
I Thought You Were Crazy Thinking These Kids Could Pray for an Hour and a Half
After we finished our prayer time, I was thinking to myself, “I won’t do this ever again.” We spent all day setting up our building for...

Clint May
Nov 12, 2024
Only Half of Our Kids Are Doing Daily Quiet Times!
Sammy called me up and seemed a bit discouraged. She said, “I talked with our kids last night, and only half of them are doing daily...
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