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L.I.T. Ministry’s primary focus is to raise a generation of children and preteens who are surrendered to Christ, who serve in His church, and who reach the world as missionaries.


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L.I.T. takes children and preteens through four effective steps that bring transformation in their lives and equip them for ministry and missions.

Parent Involvement




  • FAMILY: L.I.T. provides tools to train parents properly. These tools help them prioritize their child’s spiritual life as number one in their home. Parents help their child develop spiritual disciplines through a personal quiet time habit. Through learning these disciplines, kids learn how to walk with Christ daily.
Discipleship Equipping
  • DISCIPLESHIP: Through N.K./L.I.T. small group materials, the disciple group leader models the Christian faith by joining children on their spiritual journey. The leader moves from teacher to mentor and equipper of kids in their group. They help children find their spiritual gifts and then allow them to express their gifts during their disciple group time.
Ministry Training
  • MINISTRY: Every believing child has a calling to minister using their spiritual gifts today. L.I.T. provides training that helps the local church be creative in involving kids in ministry. Churches that have embraced this model have children who are teaching, running technical equipment, leading small groups with young children, leading out in children’s worship services, and much more.
Missions Evangelism
  • MISSIONS: The Great Commission applies to all believers in the body of Christ, including children. L.I.T. provides the tools and training to equip kids to become missionaries in their homes, neighborhoods, and schools. These proven tools have been used to mobilize thousands of children as missionaries. These resources are included with your subscription.