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“He Has Lost It.” “He Is Crazy.” “He Is a Fanatic!”

Nov 12, 2024

4 min read


Family members had mixed reactions when my wife and I surrendered to ministry. My mother-in-law told me, “I would never have let you marry Vicki if I knew you were going into ministry.” There were various puzzled looks: “He has lost it.” “He is crazy.” “He is a fanatic!”

I guess, in some ways, I was…and am.

When I started seminary, it was very challenging. I was a full-time student and a part-time children’s minister plus I had a full-time job. Some of my days were 18 hours or more. My hourly wage at the time was only $6.25. On top of this, there were six of us: two adults and four children.

When we took the step of faith to attend seminary, we were broke. But we knew we were to go no matter what. It’s a long story, but the Lord got our attention by taking everything away from us when we rebelled against His will for our lives. Once we agreed to His plans, He paved the way. Many times, we would pray and then get what we requested immediately.

My first semester of school was paid for. Then, I received a full scholarship that paid for my seminary and books. The Lord paved the way. He opened the door, and we stepped through it. We would ask, and He would provide.

The Lord was teaching us along the way. We were not much into giving. But, the Lord convicted our hearts about tithing and giving to the church—so we did. We gave away our grocery money many times. I remember a time when Vicki was sitting there with our kids praying for the Lord’s provision. Then, a lady from our church drove up to our house with a carload of groceries for us. Praise the Lord! This happened more times than we could count.

At one point, I had an opportunity to work in Irving, Texas, with my dad. He said we could make several thousand dollars in two weeks by rebuilding a motor home (RV). I made arrangements with my job to take two weeks off, and we headed to Irving with excitement to make the extra money we desperately needed.

As we drove into the driveway, my dad walked out with a serious look on his face. He said, “Clint, the job fell through. They no longer want us to do it.” That evening, we were at my parents’ house. I walked outside in the dark of the evening and said to God in anger, “What do You want from me? I have followed You just as You said! Why did You take this away from us?”

The next Sunday, we went to church where we were serving feeling very discouraged. I felt so defeated. The pastor approached me at the beginning of the service and said, “Clint, Cindy and I have bought a house here in town. We want to give you and your family the parsonage to live in. You can live there for free of rent, and we will pay for all the utilities.” I sat there in the worship service with tears running down my face, repentant and grateful for what the Lord had done.

God has provided for our family in so many ways that it is hard to count. In the past 35 years of ministry, He has provided us with 10 vehicles at no cost. We prayed and asked, and He provided. I am bragging about Him, not me. It is not about me; it is all about Him. I have learned that the Lord provides through obedience.

It may not be in our timing, but He is faithful to take care of those who love and follow Him. I have been walking with the Lord now for more than 40 years. I have suffered more in ministry than I ever did working in the secular world. I want to hear His voice. I want to obey Him. What He wants is what I want.

My biggest step of faith was when I stepped down from full-time ministry. I was making a good salary, benefits, and a consistent paycheck. I was apprehensive about how Vicki and I would make it. I talked with a mentor friend about it. Tom said, “Clint, when you take the step of faith, God is well pleased with you and will bless you more than you can imagine.”

You know the rest of the story. I did it. I stepped out of the boat, resigned, and trusted the Lord. Tom was right. The Lord has blessed and provided all the way. There have been those nail-biting moments, wondering if the funds would be there or if the Lord would provide. Then, the funds would come in His perfect timing.

I believe the Lord will provide for L.I.T. You have heard me say this ministry belongs to Him. It is His. Those who join us are also joining us in faith that the Lord will do a mighty work. He has taken our offering and multiplied it a hundredfold. We have given it away, and it has exploded and impacted the lives of children and leaders worldwide.

Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for knowing the Master and listening to His voice. Join us in faith as we trust the Lord to meet our needs.  Click here to see our needs.


Dr. Clint May

Nov 12, 2024

4 min read





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