Tradition Versus The Next Generation “The writing is on the wall; do you not see it?”
Feb 7
3 min read
“We have never done it this way before!” After 25 years of serving on church staff and 35 years working with kids, I believe I have heard it all.
People are stuck in their ways, and they are not open to change—they are afraid of it. They are offended that you asked.

I remember meeting with a leader at my church about our midweek program. I told them that I felt led by the Lord to move in another director to disciple our kids. They stood up and said, “I will do what I am doing at the church down the road.” Then, they walked out and slammed the door behind them.
You may believe you are on the right track; however, if your model of discipling children is having them just sit and listen while an adult ministers, you may be missing the target of discipleship. I will say it straight up: you are missing it altogether.
Barna shares, “While churches have tried to combat the world by using their two hours per week spent with families through the traditional lecture on-Sunday-plus-midweek-small-group-plan. Satan has laughed his head off, knowing that we have refused to measure our (lack of) production of spiritual fruit.”[1]
I would have been good to go for my first thirteen years of ministry if I had enough teachers and leaders for Sunday morning and my midweek program on Wednesday evenings. Many times, I would sadly hand them a teacher guide and a resource kit, wish them luck, and move on to the subsequent fire—the next challenge in ministry. I was like a fireman putting out fires.
I was all in with this model of ministry, and with four seminary degrees, I was heading in the right direction. Then, my eyes were opened one day when I moved away from this model. One summer, I felt the Lord leading me to something different, and He gave me a clear vision for it.
As I stepped out of that boat, my eyes opened, and I realized I was doing it all wrong. Within the next twelve years, I completely broke free from typical church, and I personally saw children witnessing and sharing the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit on mission trips. We watched in amazement as their spiritual gifts manifested before our eyes. Some of our kids were incredibly gifted teachers, leaders, and administrators.
As my eyes opened more and more, I saw that they were the church today. That’s right: they were sealed by the promised Holy Spirit at the new birth. They move from sinner to saint the instant they believe. From what I have witnessed, it is not a “baby” Holy Spirit. It is THE Holy Spirit. He gives them everything that He gives us adults.
I learned that before I take children and preteens on mission trips, we train them. Then, when we arrive on the trip, we make it clear that this is their trip. We (adults) step back and watch them struggle at first, but then HE shows up and speaks through them in powerful ways. As they learn to listen to the Holy Spirit, He guides them.
The problem today is that we have embraced a model of church that is killing their faith. Church is boring for kids. They are only spectators in a game that they cannot play in.
I remember playing sandlot baseball with my friends. When I had the opportunity to be a team captain, we would take turns picking who we wanted on our teams. We went from the best to the worst players, putting our teams together. There were always those last kids to get picked to play.
Our team captain, Jesus Christ, is choosing kids today to play (serve in the church). If we don’t make a place for them, we will lose them. No one wants to be a bench warmer. Everyone, including the kids, wants to play. They are called to be the church today.
I challenge you to open your heart right now. Pray, “Lord Jesus, please open my eyes to see what You see in every child in my ministry. Help me raise up an army for Your Kingdom's sake.”
Take Some Steps of Faith:
1. Recognize that children have a calling.
2. Cast this new vision to your team.
3. Pray about where they can serve (teach, lead, minister, etc.).
4. Make it happen.
5. Pray for the leadership of the Holy Spirit as you take this step of faith.
[1] George Barna, Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind and Soul (Glendale, Arizona Christian University Press, 2023), 42.