
When I Started in Kid’s Ministry, I Didn’t Have the Foggiest Idea What I Was Doing

1 FB 2I started seminary thinking I would be a pastor. However, three months later, the Lord called me to be a children’s pastor in Cleburne, Texas. We visited the church, and the pastor visited us the next day.

Pastor Lynn completely caught me off guard that evening when he asked, “Clint, will you pray about being our children’s minister?” I thought to myself, “Yeah, right!” That was not what he was thinking—he apparently had heard from the Lord before I did. Three months later, I became their children's pastor.

The first time I baptized a little girl in my church, I had no idea what I was doing. I knew what to say, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” But I had never been taught how to take the next step. This little girl’s name was Carry, and she was nine years old.

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It Was As If a Veil Had Been Removed From My Eyes

1 a kid groupMy greatest joy throughout the past 33 years has been working with children in the local church.

I have loved seeing their lives transformed by the power of the Gospel working in them.

What I did not know was God’s greater plan for their lives.

During my first 14 years of ministry, I was working at an adult level.

Pouring my life into my adult leaders and equipping them for works of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13).

I knew that if I spent time with them, it would pour over into the lives of the children of my church. It did, and it did not.

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