
Breaking Free From Traditional Children's Ministry to a New Paradigm

As children’s ministers, we have to ask the question, are my teachers teaching or discipling children in my church?AdobeStock 123659968

Are we more concerned about the developmental learning styles of children, whether they are concrete or abstract learners, than about whether they are being transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives?

I believe we should be fascinated with the idea that every child that is saved (or born again) has received the Holy Spirit into their lives.

Yes, the Holy Spirit dwells in every believer, including children.

He is not a “baby” Holy Spirit; He is THE Holy Spirit.

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Who Is Your Paul? Who Is Your Timothy? by Dr. Clint May

Who Is Your Paul? Who Is Your Timothy? by Dr. Clint May18301442 10213501463629926 1792914673258931508 n

I remember years ago hearing a Christian leader ask, “Who is your Paul, and who is your Timothy?” That resonated with me. I know several leaders who have had a tremendous impact on my life. It came more from their teaching and from reading their books. I wanted to be challenged. I wanted to go far beyond where I am now. 

Look at it from a different perspective: YOUR greatest joy in ministry will be when you pass the mantle to others. I love investing in the lives of other leaders, pastors, and children’s pastors. I have found that when I pass on the knowledge the Lord has given me, I am doing the very thing that He has called me to do…“equip the saints for works of ministry” (Ephesians 4:11-13). I love to watch them succeed.

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What Would It Look Like to Take VBS Off Campus Next Year

VBS 3Vacation Bible School was the highlight of my year. It was an event that I was all in and extremely excited about.

One year we had a space theme, so I built a 16-foot tall space shuttle in our worship center.

Before we sent the kids off to their rotations, I would do a countdown and smoke would shoot out of the combustion chamber of the rocket.

Sadly, the smoke machine only worked half the time.

What I remember was hundreds of hours of preparation.

We would work a full week ahead of time decorating the buildings.

We were physically and emotionally wiped out before the day when VBS started.

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Are You an Activities Coordinator or a Children’s Pastor?

Are You an Activities Coordinator or a Children’s Pastor?Activity Coordinator

Summers were crazy for me with Vacation Bible School, camp, and summer activities. I had it in my mind that I had to provide a safe environment for kids at my church. Safe activities! The summer hit like a storm. We went to water parks, go-cart tracks, theme parks, movie Tuesdays, and much more. Then it hit me one day.

Parents can take their own kids and do fun things with them. I do not have to kill myself every summer being their activity coordinator. I had to make a change, and I did. I decided to make it serious fun! Instead of theme parks, we did mission projects. We moved VBS from the church into the community and let our kids take part in leading it. 

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