Leader Testimonies

Richard RossThe L.I.T. movement recognizes that preteens are filled with the Spirit, Dr. Richard Ross
"Movements of God transcend human explanation. Revival and prayer movements are prime examples. Among the young, God used one youth group praying around the flag pole to launch a world-wide movement almost overnight. God used one youth group making clear promises of purity to launch an equally explosive movement. I see the L.I.T. movement in the same way. The training and mobilization of preteens for evangelism and missions, in one congregation, now has become a movement. The L.I.T. movement recognizes that preteens are filled with the Spirit, are filled with His gifts and abilities, and come under the Great Commission and Great Commandment today—the same as all believers. As a youth leader, I look forward to the day when teenagers will enter youth groups nationwide—having already spent several years accelerating the harvest of the lost." Richard Ross, PhD, is retired professor of student ministry at Southwestern Seminary and co-founder of True Love Waits