
Only Half of Our Kids Are Doing Daily Quiet Times!

Sammy called me up and seemed a bit discouraged.1 Bible study

She said, “I talked with our kids last night, and only half of them are doing daily quiet times.”

I asked her, “How many were doing them before?”

She said, “None.”

I said, “Praise the Lord! Half of the kids in your church are doing daily quiet times. That’s amazing!”

She thought momentarily and understood my excitement, which changed her perspective.

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When God Called We Ran The Other Way

If you are like me, you are a rebel at heart.
Move This Mountain

When the Lord first called my wife and me to ministry, we were like Jonah.

We ran the other way!

We were not interested in going into full-time ministry.

I felt the Lord was drawing me to full-time ministry, but the Lord hadn't told Vicki that yet.

When I told her I felt called to ministry, she said,

“You can forget that. I am not about to go and wait for you with four kids while you go to seminary.”

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I Need You to Talk to My Daughter—She’s About to Get Kicked Out of School

A dad approached me as I walked down the hallway that Wednesday evening.1 black girl big smile

He said, “I need to talk with you.” I said, “Sure.”

He said, “I’m afraid Sarah will get kicked out of school. During recess, she pulls one child over at a time and shares the Gospel with them. She is fearless.”

Then I said what he did not like to hear: “Praise the Lord! She is being a missionary for Christ at her school.”

It is not rocket science when speaking of the Gospel and the Gospel message.

The Gospel is simple enough for children to respond to and share with their friends and family.

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I Don’t Believe a Person Can Get Saved Until They Are in Their Teens

I was on a retreat this past weekend.
1 Kids Saved

I was talking to a gentleman who said, “I don’t believe a person can be saved until they are in their teens.”

I told him that he might feel that way, but most of those who trust Christ worldwide are between the ages of four and fourteen years. That is seventy percent.

When I was in seminary, they did a survey and found that most of those called to ministry were under age twelve when they trusted Christ as Savior.

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