
If You Aim at Nothing in Kids Ministry, You Will Hit It Every Time

One of the problems we all face in children’s ministry is going through the motions.Missing Target

If you are like me, you find that you are meeting yourself coming and going.

There seemed to be insufficient time during the week to get things done.

From Sunday morning to midweek, things were a little crazy.

The problem we face in a routine ministry is that we might be passing kids through our ministry with no clear plan or objectives in place.

George Barna says, “The battle is won or lost for our children in the Children's Ministry of the church.”

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If You Were to Leave Your Ministry Today, Would It Fall Apart?

a falling apartSeveral years ago, I attended a conference in Denver, Colorado. During one of the breakouts, the speaker, Jim Wideman, made a statement that has resonated with me until this day.  He said,

“If you were to leave your ministry today, would it fall apart? If so, you were a lousy children’s minister. You did not do your job.”

Well, if you are like me, I didn’t take that too well.

It reminded me of the first church where I served.

I was a perfectionist, and no one could do the work as good as I could.

For three years, “I” grew the ministry. When I left, like Brother Jim said, it fell apart.

Sadly, I learned a big lesson at this first church.

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The Perfect Church For Kids?

The other day I walked into a church, and I was greeted by a child at the door.Christina FB

As I walked into the children’s building, I saw children and adults sitting at the check-in station.

Children working alongside adult mentors checking children into the children’s building.

As I walked down the hallway of the children’s wing, I saw younger children in classrooms enjoying their classes.

In those classrooms, older children and preteens were teaching the class along with their adult mentors.

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Children Are Disciple Makers: You Need to Get Out of The Way

As I was looking down the children’s hallway at my church, I saw one of our kids, Renee, walking towards me with a girl I did not recognize.AdobeStock 88899287

She walked up to me and said, “Brother Clint, this is Jordan.

She accepted Christ last night.” I exclaimed, “Praise the Lord! Welcome to the family.”

As they walked away to their Bible study room, Renee’s mother walked up to me.

She said, “Clint, Renee has been leading a Bible study at our house for a year.

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