Student Testimonies

hannah lehew“L.I.T Has Impacted My Life By Showing Me The Importance of a Daily Quiet Time. Hannah Lehew
 Before I was in L.I.T., I didn't really have the discipline to read my Bible every day and to memorize verses. Having a spiritual influence to keep me accountable every week made a huge difference in my walk with the Lord. Through L.I.T., God taught me how to have a quiet time and listen to Him. Without having that discipleship at an early age, I doubt that I would have a strong root in my relationship with Christ through my teenage years.

“By serving in the church for a long time, I would say that I have not only become closer to God but closer with the church body. I have met some of my closest friends through serving the Lord with them. My faith becomes stronger when I am serving the Lord and with people who have the same desire as I do—to glorify God in everything that we do."