
In the spring of 2019 when the Lord introduced me to Clint and Leaders In Training, I had several prayer burdens for the children and families that attended our ministry. The first was that theIMG 4139 children and youth would know the Lord more deeply and recognize their ability to serve Him for His Kingdom purposes right now, at their ages. Second, that parents would be equipped to effectively disciple their children at home. Third, that we would be able to reach the multiple apartment communities around us with the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the time, we had a midweek service that was anemic, with only one family attending and one servant committed to ministering to those three children. There was no midweek service for our youth. Churches in our area were all discontinuing their midweek services due to low attendance. 

The Lord called me to attend an L.I.T. training conference in Texas and answered all of those prayer burdens with one solution. Beginning L.I.T. at our church would give us the tools we needed to equip parents, make disciples, and then obey the Great Commission by going on mission trips with L.I.T. It would be on these trips that we would learn how to take the gospel to the community around our church.  We also saw the power of God move in and through the kids and youth as they surrendered fully to Him and walked in obedience to His Word! 

Fast forward four years, and we now have a house full of Jesus lovers excited to worship Him during our L.I.T. training time on Sunday nights. We have started disciple groups for our adults and youth who have aged out of the L.I.T. materials. We have seen an abundant and steady transformation in our kids, youth, and adults. The Lord is bearing fruit in them that we never saw before when they were all coming to church instead of being the Church. Fifty percent of our L.I.T. participants are youth who have grown in their walk with the Lord and are serving as leaders to the elementary-aged kids. Many are serving in various capacities in our church, including children’s ministry, information booth, sound/tech team, and some are leading Bible studies with their peers or discipling younger kids. All have committed to our newest adventure of hosting an L.I.T. missions trip in our own city of Littleton, CO. The passion to serve Jesus continues to grow, and we look forward to how He will change us and use us for His glory going forward! I praise God for leading us to obey Him fully in these areas that we were previously missing. We are grateful for God’s plan and vision for Clint’s life as well. His obedience and yielding to the Lord has impacted us greatly! 

Thank you Clint! It’s a great God story! I couldn’t be more blessed. 
