IGO Registration Banner


Thank you for joining us on the I-Go Mission Trip. This mission trip is a fantastic experience for preteens, students, and adults. You will see and experience God’s presence in powerful ways. This training is to answer many questions about the trip before you arrive, and you will come fully prepared to have an incredible journey with your group. The training combines five 15-minute videos with a simple quiz when you are finished.

We look forward to meeting you this summer on your mission trip destination.

Download a copy of the I-GO Leadership Guide before you begin the training. After you complete the training, please take the simple quiz and turn it in to your leader. 
Csalt Student Training: This training is for students (teens) who desire to participate in the leadership training ministry of the I-Go Mission Trip. They will be required to go through this training before arriving on their trip. 
Part One: Introduction
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five 
Csalt Training for Teen Leadership Team

Mission Trip Devotional and Leaders Guide