
Children Are The Church NOW! Part Three (Podcast)

God's plan is for the children to be serving and ministry today. When you look at a believing child, you look at a younger saint, a brother or sister in Christ. Children can have a significant role in your church and community. With proper discipleship and training, children are a powerful force in your church and community. 
This Podcast is part two of the Empowering The Next Generation Training. The remaining recordings are from our live Empowering The Next Generation conference training recorded in 2016. Our online training has equipped thousands of leaders worldwide. Click here for more information about our upcoming conferences. 

Eight Advantages of Taking Vacation Bible School Off Campus

VBS can be overwhelming at times and many times with little fruit. Have you ever spent hundreds of hours decorating and preparing your worship center, and by the time it's time for VBS, you are wiped out mentally and physically? Curriculum, snacks, and crafts can often break your budget. We have an answer for you.  Dr. Clint May will share his experience moving VBS out of his church and into their community. By simplifying VBS, he found that there was
  • less prep time
  • less cost
  • less stress
His church reached double the amount of lost families in the community.  Next year you can take your VBS off campus and reach more people with less work. You will learn how to work smarter and not harder. 
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Training Preteens to Lead an After School Bible Club

ETNG Podcast Preteen After School Bible Club
Many of the preteens in your church have spiritual gifts of teaching and leadership. Why not put them to work in your afterschool Bible club leading the Bible studies and running your club? Join us for our next podcast where Dr. Clint May will show you simple ways to equip preteens to minister to their classmates in the public schools.

Podcast: Pressing Forward in Children’s Ministry

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It is tempting to stop or freeze all children’s ministry in your church due to the pandemic.  Let me encourage you to press on. What I mean is press on and work with the door that is open for the most significant fruit. Parents are the number one spiritual influence on their children, not the church. So it is of the utmost importance that we get them on board. What I have learned in 30 years of children’s ministry is to come alongside parents if you want to move children in the right direction spiritually. During this podcast, I will share how to train and equip parents to continue the discipleship process at home.  

Developing a Dynamic Preteen Ministry-Podcast

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Preteens are at a crossroads in their school and your church; however, this time can be one of the greatest highlights of your ministry. Join us for our next webinar, where we will show you creative ways to take disconnected preteens and develop them into amazing leaders in the body of Christ and your community. Right now, there are action steps you can take to establish a dynamic life-changing ministry for these in-betweeners.

Podcast: Becoming a Dynamic Disciple (Small) Group Leader

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Small group leaders have the opportunity to make the most significant impact on children in their small groups in your church. Through these special times, if led properly, the leader can have a serious, lasting effect on children that can start them down a path of sustaining faith for life. Dr. Clint May we will show you steps to take to help them begin a lasting journey with Christ.

Teaching Preteens How to Share Their Faith-Podcast

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In this session you will learn how to train preteens how to share their faith using the ABC Counseling Card. You will learn how to teach children how to counsel their lost friends. This counseling process teaches preteens how to discern when a person is ready to make a decision for Christ through open ended questions. 
Check out our store for training tools for preteens. Click here. 

