

"One of the best things they do: they don’t simply memorize Scripture and biblical principles, they put it into practice. And the best practice is the mission trips.” Dr. Al Meredith, Retired Senior Pastor, Fort Worth, Texas

 We believe that all believers, including children, are called to fulfill the Great Commission.
Seventy percent of those who trust Christ worldwide do so between the ages of four and fourteen.
This age group is the most effective in reaching their peers. 356259343 10232515630532215 3786710058172935908 n

For them to accomplish the Lord’s calling, we have included evangelism training and tools in our resources.

We also include our nine-week study to prepare preteens for out-of-town, -state, or -country missions training materials.

Our “Preparing for My Mission Trip” materials have trained and equipped thousands of preteens and leaders for our L.I.T. I-GO Mission Trips.

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For more information about our yearly subscriptions, including the mission trip resources, click here
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