
The Ezekiel Test: Where Do Kids Fit in Your Church?

I want to ask you a question: Where is your church today in the recognition of children and their spiritual gifts? I challenge you to take a moment toEzekiel Test honestly evaluate where you are and the importance of children using their gifts in the body of Christ today.  I encourage you to take a test—the Ezekiel test. We use Ezekiel 47:1-5 as an illustration of five levels of spiritual growth, depth, and involvement.

  1. On the bank (v. 2b)—I do, You watch
  2. Ankle deep (v. 3b)—I do, You help
  3. Knee deep (v. 4a)—You do, I help
  4. Waist deep (v. 4b)—You do, I watch
  5. Swimming (v. 5)—You do

The Ezekiel Test

Take a moment to answer the following questions to determine where your church is in the discipleship of children and equipping them for ministry.  Then score yourself below:

Grade your church on a scale of 1-5, one (1) being strongly disagree and five (5) being strongly agree.

A. On the Bank—I do, you watch  
1. Our teachers teach while children sit and listen and the teacher ministers to them. 1  2  3  4  5
2. Children in our church observe as we minister to them on Sunday mornings, at special events, and during activities. 1  2  3  4  5
Total Score  
B. Ankle Deep—I do, you help  
1.  Our teachers teach and ask children to help out some in the classrooms. 1  2  3  4  5
2. Children in our church help out during events and church activities. 1  2  3  4  5
Total Score  
C. Knee Deep—You do, I help  
1. Our teachers allow children to serve in their classrooms, and they help the children to be    successful. 1  2  3  4  5
2. We allow children to serve in our church, and we serve alongside them. 1  2  3  4  5
Total Score  
D. Waist Deep—You do, I watch  
1. Our kids are leading out in their classrooms using their spiritual gifts, and the teachers are observing and supporting them. 1  2  3  4  5
2. We recognize the unique gifts of children in our church, and we engage them in ministry with minimal adult supervision during church activities, events, and outreach to our community. 1  2  3  4  5
Total Score  
E. Swimming—You do  
1. It is normal to see children and students fully engaged in the ministry of our church. 1  2  3  4  5
2. Our students have discovered their spiritual gifts and find confidence serving in the church with the full support of the adult leadership. 1  2  3  4  5
Total Score  

Score where you are here:

A. On the Bank: Score: ________
If your score is 7 or above, the children in your church are most likely disengaged from what is being taught them. We would suggest you encourage teachers to be creative in involving children in their class on a weekly basis.
B. Ankle Deep: Score: ________
If your score is 7 or above, you are moving in a positive direction, but it is important to move to the next step.
C. Knee Deep: Score: ________
If your score is 7 or above, children are serving in some capacity, which is a very positive step. The next step would be to help them discover their spiritual gifts and ways they can be equipped and released to use their gifts.
D. Waist Deep: Score: ________
If your score is 7 or above, children in your church have discovered their spiritual gifts and are involved in ministry. If you scored 6 or lower, have your teacher administer a spiritual gift test and then encourage them by the results to plug children into places of service according to their gifts.
E. Swimming: Score: ________
If your score is 7 or above, children/students have found value in your church. Great job! If you scored 6 or lower, make a point to continually educate parents and leadership to fully embrace the children of your church and the value that their spiritual gifts give your church today.
Copyright © L.I.T. Ministries 2015

