
October 2018 Newsletter

L.I.T. with SWBTS Korean Seminarians’ Preteens by Minhee Cho

We are in our 7th week of L.I.T. with 7 preteens from 6 families. We meet weekly on Saturdays for two and a half hours to praise and worship God andKorean Church Two then break into ministry teams (worship dance, service, and teaching). Then, we have a group time of devotion. Biweekly, each ministry team is expected to minister to other ministry teams with their gifts and talents shortly after their own meeting. Worship dance team taught moves to the rest of the group, and the service team put together a project to make 20 bags of care kits for the homeless. Teaching is an opportunity for kids to take a turn to articulate an upcoming memory verse. God’s been gracious and encouraging us with fruits. We are already seeing transformation of hearts and perspectives, not just in kids but also in families. One of the parents excitedly shared that other adults have noticed a difference in their daughter’s interactions with friends and told them that she’s been talking with Christ in mind. As you read this, I covet your prayers for these kids to continue to grow in love with the Lord and to live a life of obedience. All the glory goes to our Lord!

 Training in Zambia

JeffreyZambiaSome leaders rode their bycles more than 40 meters to get to the training. Pastor Stephan Kaindu helped with the preparation and planning there. They were expecting 90 and had 100+ who attended. The leaders were very receptive. Stephan says many have returned home and have begun training their leaders and making changes in their churches to disciple and empower children for ministry. We covet your prayers as we have new doors opening in Ethiopia. The cost for travel and the printing of the training handbook and certificates will be $1,800. Please pray for the Lord’s continued provision.

We Need You!

IndiaYour support is absolutely vital to L.I.T. Ministries. We have evangelism and discipleship programs throughout the United States, and we are very quickly moving to a global ministry focus. By becoming a Ministry Partner, your prayers and financial support will impact thousands of children with the love of Christ and lead them down a faith-sustaining path for life by providing effective discipleship resources. 

Your donations assist the ministry in providing training to all churches and Christian organizations. It paves the way to translating our resources into multiple languages in order to have the greatest impact on the lives of children and their families. It also supports our ministry staff in fulfilling our mission “To Empower The Next Generation.” Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us. Click here to donate.

 At Our Tipping Point by Clint May

This year has been quite amazing as we move to a tipping point. What I mean is that we have witnessed amazing growth in 2018, and we are notClint May finished. As of this week, we have nearly doubled the number of churches using our L.I.T. resources in the United States and internationally. Through our partnership with Global Children’s Network, we are having an impact on an estimated 10,000+ children in Asia. We covet your prayers and support. We have turned a corner, and we need staff to meet the growing needs of the ministry. Please keep us in your prayers for the Lord’s provision for the next step.

Dr. Clint May

President, L.I.T. Ministries

This Month’s Prayer Needs


  • For the Lord’s continued provision for the ministry
  • For the successful training in Zambia
  • For our new L.I.T. churches in thirteen states
  • For the impact our online training is having

Prayer requests:

  • For the Lord’s financial provision for L.I.T. and the funds to hire additional staff
  • For the Lord’s provision for the translation of our materials into three lanquages
  • For wisdom to know what the next steps are for the ministry
  • For the locations for the Missouri mission trip
  • For Clint, for wisdom as he works on writing a book this fall
  • For wisdom as Clint and Richard Cervantes write and develop the new student devotional