Sarah Teaching2Age Is Not a Prerequisite to Serve God by Sarah Gonzalez

The first time I went on a mission trip with leaders in training, I was seven years old. Even though I was the youngest child there, I quickly learned that age is not a prerequisite to serve God. That week, I saw God move firsthand in many powerful ways.

Over the years, I attended seven mission trips; however, I still remember the first time I gave the Gospel presentation. I was nervous, tired, and did not feel prepared to teach in front of a crowd. Before I started, my leader prayed for me, and at that moment the Holy Spirit took control. I don't remember what I said, but I remember feeling that God was using me to do His work and to glorify Him.

Read more: Age is Not a Prerequisite to Serve God by Sarah Gonzalez

Alex Burnett

My Path Was Set For Life Alex Burnett, (L.I.T. 2004-2005)

Church attendance was part of being in my family. On Wednesdays, we would go to whatever age-appropriate ministry was being put on. It was in L.I.T. where I learned what it meant to take the gifts and talents God had given and use them for the sake of sharing the Gospel and sharing the opportunity of life following after Jesus. I felt as though I was part of something—a team of people committed to each other and something of purpose. The leaders cared for us as kids, as Christian brothers and sisters, and as individuals with troubles never too trivial to attend to and worries worth their time.

Read more: Alex Burnett, (L.I.T. 2004-2005)

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 I Had a Fire in My Heart by Madison Miller (L.I.T. 2008-2010)

When I was in 5th grade, I started Leaders In Training. During that time, I learned how to make my faith my own and share it with others. On my first L.I.T. mission trip, God used me to lead a girl my age to Christ. From that moment on, I had a fire in my heart for sharing my faith and ministering to the kids around me.

From 5th grade to now, I have had the opportunity to invest in and disciple children. I started off by teaching a Sunday school class when I was in 6th grade. I was a Children’s Intern in college. Now, I work as part of a kids’ ministry. 








L.I.T. Taught Me to Be a Leader, Holland Coleman

When I was old enough to join L.I.T., I jumped at the opportunity to do for others what had been done for me. Looking back, the most amazing thing I learned was a degree of ownership that many adults think kids are not ready for. Although we were supervised, when it was time for a Kids Jam (Children's Worship) or Kids Blitz (community outreach), we were responsible for everything. That included transporting our equipment, managing the stage, setting up and tearing down the auditorium, leading worship, all the various performances, teaching, and the invitation. This taught me a great deal about leadership, taking the initiative, and working with others to accomplish something.

Read more: L.I.T. Taught Me to Be a Leader

Sarah Owens Final Pic

Jesus came alive for me during my journey through L.I.T

"Jesus came alive for me during my journey through L.I.T as a young girl. He was no longer a nice idea or a story, but a Father, a friend, and the safest place I have ever come to know. I am endlessly thankful for the opportunities I was given to not only experience God at work first hand but to engage in that work with Him at such a young age.

Read more: Sarah Langer - Testimonies
