








“This discipleship pathway for children has been a great blessing to me, my family, and our church. I am now seeing students who have graduated from the kids’ ministry and are now discipling children in the ministry. I am deeply grateful that God has used the influence of L.I.T. to sharpen my understanding of discipleship and shape my ministry philosophy.” Jamie Brown, Children’s Minister

We believe that discipleship is not educational but relational.
The role of the Disciple Group Leader is to prepare the mentee to become a mentor and a disciple-maker. Timothy had a godly mother and grandmother, but he needed Paul to help him develop his gifts for ministry in the church.
We believe that discipleship is not about just sitting and listening while someone teaches and ministers to you.
Discipleship moves those being discipled to become disciple-makers themselves. “The goal of every Disciple Group is for the mentee, the one being discipled, to become a mentor; to multiply—make other disciples. In essence, the D-Group is designed for the player to become a coach.” —Robby Gallaty
This is the essence of L.I.T. resources—to make disciples. 
Dr. Clint May defines discipleship in his article, "Defining Discipleship." 
Through the devotionals, children learn spiritual disciplines to develop their relationship with Christ. 356403603 10232501051567750 3884616242255231412 n

L.I.T. Shaped My Life Tremendously

"The discipline of quiet time, or daily fellowship with God was impressed in my heart. I was encouraged to memorize scriptures that I can recite to this day. One of my favorites is Psalm 119:11: 'I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.' The scriptures and truths I learned in L.I.T. have stuck with me and have been an anchor throughout my life." —Ketnarly Patterson
L.I.T. Disciple Group resources (D-Group) reinforce what children are learning at home during their daily quiet times. D-Group also guides teachers to become disciplers/mentors. Click here to see samples.
The D-Group materials give leaders tools and steps to develop and equip children to use their spiritual gifts in their small groups and move children and preteens to lead their groups within the first nine weeks. 

Hear how L.I.T. transformed a whole church in Littleton, Colorado. 

For more information about our yearly subscriptions, including our discipleship resources, click here
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