
What If Vacation Bible School Could Be Simple?

Of all the churches in Fort Worth, we did VBS “right.” Our first year, we made a waterfall out of butcher paper, and it flowed from the baptistry down to the worship center stage. We made AdobeStock 100381232mountains out of butcher paper and taped them to the walls on the sides, and we covered the chairs in the choir loft. (Needless to say, we purchased numerous large rolls of butcher paper in an array of colors—green, brown, black, red, yellow, etc.) We also gathered all the plants and silk trees from around the building and placed them throughout the worship center. Our auditorium looked like the Amazon jungle!

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Training Children for Ministry

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By Keri Meek

Ministry teams are a vital aspect of the N.K./L.I.T. program. The purpose of ministry teams is to guide kids in the development of their gifts and talents to bring glory to God and to share the Gospel.

Through their ministry teams, kids are not only able to see how their gifts can be used to build up the church, but time spent in ministry teams also offers another opportunity for discipleship.

Truly effective ministry comes out of our relationship with God. Ministry team leaders have the opportunity to disciple kids in what it means to allow the power of God to inspire teams through their gifts to move the hearts of others. Rather than relying on human power, ministry teams recognize that it is the Holy Spirit who works through us to use our gifts to point others to God. Ministry team leaders also disciple their kids by allowing the kids to do the creating.

When they hit a roadblock, leaders are encouraged to guide the kids to seek the Lord for wisdom through prayer. Ministry teams offer a great avenue for discipleship in prayer and listening to God’s guidance as we do God’s work.

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What if You Took Vacation Bible School into Your Community?

One of my deepest desires is to see the lost come to know Christ. In 2005, our church took our Vacation Bible School into our community. In the two previous years, we spent thousands of dollars on curriculum,1000 resources, and man hours hosting a VBS in our church with minimal results.

After my first two years at my new church, I became very burdened. It seemed like we were hosting a camp for Christian kids instead of fulfilling our purpose of reaching the lost through VBS.

The fact that there were thousands of children and their families in our community that had not heard the Good News of Christ deeply burdened my heart.

I sought the Lord in prayer and simply said, “Lord, if it is Your will, please open doors for us to go off campus into the public schools next summer.” Our church had developed really good relationships with several schools in our community.

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