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L.I.T. Taught Me to Be a Leader by Holland Coleman-L.I.T. January 2021 Newsletter

L.I.T. Taught Me to Be a Leader by Holland Coleman

When I was old enough to join L.I.T., I jumped at the opportunity to do for others what had been done for me. Looking back, the most amazing thing I learned was a degree of ownership that Hollandmany adults think kids are not ready for. Although we were supervised, when it was time for a Kids Jam (Children's Worship) or Kids Blitz (community outreach), we were responsible for everything. That included transporting our equipment, managing the stage, setting up and tearing down the auditorium, leading worship, all the various performances, teaching, and the invitation. This taught me a great deal about leadership, taking the initiative, and working with others to accomplish something.

Most importantly, my time in L.I.T. taught me that the Gospel is not merely an idea or a story, but that Christ is living and active among His people today, and that if you want to experience intimacy with Christ, the best way to do that is by coming alongside Him and joining in His work. That same sense of fulfillment that I first tasted in L.I.T.—of working toward an eternal purpose—is why I'm currently in seminary today and eager to pursue full-time ministry. (Picture of 5th grade Holland teaching in San Marcos, Texas during 2007, L.I.T. Mission Trip.)

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When the Mentee Becomes the Mentor-L.I.T. November 2020 Newsletter

While listening to testimonial videos from western Zambia today, my heart lept for joy. They got it! As I heard the leaders share their stories and what they took away from the conference, it 122485002 675639606670003 2645698601181034919 n 1blessed me so much. It has been my dream to develop training that can be duplicated internationally. For the past five years, I have prayed, taught, prayed some more, and fine-tuned our training into what I feel will impact thousands, possibly millions of children. To God be the glory! I praise the Lord for His leadership as He has guided me each step of the way. As He has revealed to me His vision for children, it has been such a blessing to be a part of a ministry that allows me to cast that vision to thousands of leaders who in turn will disciple and empower children around the world. The wonderful thing is that it comes from His leadership handbook—the Bible, God’s Word. I love to explore God’s Word and connect the dots to children and His plans for them. The greater joy is when the eyes of leaders are opened for the first time to the idea that believing children receive the whole package at new birth. It’s not partial salvation; it is complete in Christ. The Holy Spirit who lives in them is not a “baby” Holy Spirit—it is THE HOLY SPIRIT.

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L.I.T. October Newsletter: L.I.T. Helped Me Fully Understand the Seriousness of Sharing my Faith

L.I.T. Helped Me Fully Understand the Seriousness of Sharing my FaithJayden Elkins

From the teachings of L.I.T., I have learned what it means to step up and be a leader. This gained character trait has not only aided me in the mission field but also in my relationships with the people around me. L.I.T. taught me the importance of having a daily quiet time, or time spent reading and listening to God's Word.

L.I.T. helped me fully understand the seriousness of sharing my faith with others and that the mission field does not disappear once we go home. Even as a young adult, these foundations are still a part of who I am, and I continue to use the tools that L.I.T. equipped me with to this day. —Jaydn Elkins, College Freshman (Jayden is 18 years old, and she has participated in fourteen mission trips, eight of which were international).


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Jesus Came Alive for Me During My Journey Through L.I.T.-L.I.T. September Newsletter

Jesus Came Alive for Me During My Journey Through L.I.T.Sarah Owens cropped

“Jesus came alive for me during my journey through L.I.T. as a young girl. He was no longer a nice idea or a story, but a Father, a friend, and the safest place I have ever come to know. I am endlessly thankful for the opportunities I was given not only to experience God at work first hand but to engage in that work with Him at such a young age. I was offered lifelong guidance in pursuing wisdom and discernment through discipleship, empowered to stand up with boldness and confidence in the face of adversity, and inspired to live a life of endless adventure in pursuing that which is true, good, beautiful, and worthy of praise in this life! I could go on and on about how formative this program was and continues to be in my life as an adult. In short, it was foundational. Programs like this not only empower the next generation of the church, but it equips them with knowledge of what it means to faithfully follow Jesus to the end of their days.” —Sarah Langer, Communications Coordinator at 6 Stones Missions Network, Bedford, Texas 


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L.I.T. Shaped My Spiritual Life Tremendously! August 2020 Newsletter

L.I.T. Shaped My Spiritual Life Tremendously! Ketnarly EstimonKetnary

As a young girl, L.I.T. shaped my spiritual life tremendously! The key components were identity, leadership, and discipleship. I was taught my identity as a daughter and co-heir of Christ, and this life-transforming truth has made me the woman I am today. Through discipleship, I learned what it meant to live a life of integrity while following Jesus. The discipline of quiet time, or daily fellowship with God, was impressed in my heart. I was encouraged to memorize scriptures that I can recite to this day. One of my favorites is Psalm 119:11—“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” The scriptures and truths I learned in L.I.T. have stuck with me and have been an anchor throughout my life. It is said that leadership is caught, not taught. I am grateful that at a young age, I was not just told that I am a leader, but I was actually given leadership positions through L.I.T. By way of serving, I learned how to lead on my knees while giving God all the glory. This has not been lost on me in my adult life. I have gone on to serve in college ministry, mission trips, and even in my job as a nurse. It is no small thing to give the gift of the gospel to a child and tell them to share it with the world. I am forever grateful that L.I.T. gave me such a gift. May God be glorified!! 

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