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Age Is Not a Prerequisite to Serve God, L.I.T. October Newsletter

Age Is Not a Prerequisite to Serve God —by Sarah Gonzalez


The first time I went on a mission trip with Leaders In Training, I was seven years old. Even though I was the youngest child there, I quickly learned that age is not a prerequisite to serve God. That week, I saw God move firsthand in many powerful ways.

Over the years, I attended seven mission trips; however, I still remember the first time I gave the Gospel presentation. I was nervous, tired, and did not feel prepared to teach in front of a crowd. Before I started, my leader prayed for me, and at that moment, the Holy Spirit took control. I don't remember what I said, but I remember feeling that God was using me to do His work and to glorify Him.

I am grateful to Leaders In Training because it taught me to understand that I have a responsibility to share the precious gift of salvation, and to do so. God is ready to use me as a vessel to glorify Him.

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When Are You Going to Grow Up and Be a Real Minister?

September 2023

Overcoming Fear to Love Those Who Are Hurting

There was a shooting late one evening at one of the ministry sites during our second mission trip in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The person took the life of his girlfriend and two of her children. HerPicture5 teenage son was able to escape through a bedroom window. Mike Lehew Director of Mobile Missions Network, shared with our teams that they were going out to minister to the families the next day. There was no danger because the person who did the shooting was arrested.

The leaders discussed what happened with the kids and their parents; they all wanted to go out to show God's love to this hurting family and the community's people. The love of Christ flowed through them. They were not fearful. They wanted to be there and love those people. Praise the Lord! Fear did not take over; the Christ flowed through them.

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Five Mission Trips—111 Salvations-August 2023

Five Mission Trips—111 Salvations-August 2023

This has been an incredible summer, with more than 202 participants from five states on our mission trips. We are forever grateful forimage 6483441 5 those leaders who invested in the lives of many preteens and students. The L.I.T. I-Go Mission Trips are life-changing to both those who are reached with the Gospel and especially those who take part in the trips. We have the privilege of joining God on His mission to reach the world and of experiencing His power flowing throughout lives as we love and reach those in need with the Gospel message. Each trip was quite unique in itself. The stories and testimonies consistently bear witness that the Lord showed up and had His way in many lives. The kids were able to join the Lord in leading 111 children and adults to Christ. We praise His name for allowing us the honor of serving Him.

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L.I.T. July Newsletter '23: The Power of the Gospel to Change Lives

Littleton, Colorado Mission Trip Report (June 11-21)Picture1

Words cannot describe our experience in Littleton, Colorado. The Lord blessed us in so many ways. The L.I.T.s were moved powerfully by the Holy Spirit in prayer and ministry in the community. Many lives were changed, both in the community and among those who attended the trip.

We witnessed kids praying intently for each other and for the community during the trip. It is an incredible joy to see the Holy Spirit work in and through them. You could tell the Holy Spirit was moving by the way they prayed.

We are forever grateful for Horizon Christian Fellowship and the leadership of DeAnn Noyes. What an amazing team of folks who worked to make the mission trip successful!

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We Want Our Kids to Be Able to Explain the Gospel, June 2023 Newsletter

We Want Our Kids to Be Able to Explain the Gospel by Michele WhitneyPicture1

Our family is so excited to go on the L.I.T. mission trip and share the Good News of Jesus with others. Since January, we’ve put the L.I.T. devotional and curriculum into our daily Bible study routine. We’ve challenged each other to get each Bible verse memorized as we’ve worked our way through the material. Each week we added a new verse to our verse wall. I continue to give the kids stickers each Friday if they can recite all of the verses. They’ve done an excellent job.

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